If you are automatically sending payments, you don’t need a reminder. We've got it covered! If you are sending payments without AutoPay, you can set up email reminders to help you keep track of your payments.
If you are automatically sending payments, you don’t need a reminder. We've got it covered! If you are sending payments without AutoPay, you can set up email reminders to help you keep track of your payments.
Set up reminders and never forget a payment again, be alerted when your payment is sent – or if you have missed the bill due date. You can update and cancel reminders at any time.
See how easy it is to set up reminders to help you manage and keep track of your payments.
Navigate to the Payment Center
Select a biller and click on the Reminders link.
Set Up Reminders
Select the typical due date and amount due, frequency and advanced notice timing.
Add your email address and choose to be alerted when the payment is due, when it has been sent and when the payment is missed.
You can change or cancel reminders at any time.
“I need a paper statement to remember when my bill is due.”
You can set up Reminders that will alert you when your bill is due, notify you when your payment has been sent, even remind you when you forgot to pay your bill.
Can I be notified of a scheduled payment?
You can set up “Reminders” on payees and have the option to receive email notifications when a bill is due, if a bill has not been paid by the due date, and when a payment has been sent.
Can I customize Reminders?
Yes, you can choose how many days before the due date you want to receive them, when the bill is received, how much is due, and which email reminders you want (when payment is due, when payment starts processing, and if payment is not paid by the due date).
How do I stop getting reminders?
Click on the “Reminders” button for the payee you want to stop getting reminders for. At the bottom of the new box that appears, choose “Stop Reminders”. You can also change reminders on this page.
How do I set up reminders?
Click the reminders button for the payee you want to set up reminders for and click set up reminders. Answer all the questions and choose all the options that fit your needs.